Course Information

Course Description and Prerequisites

This course covers techniques in applied cryptography and their applications in machine learning and blockchain to enhance data privacy. Related cryptographic techniques include secure multiparty computations, verifiable computations and zero knowledge proofs. We will discuss their basic concepts and state-of-the-art constructions. Additionally, we will talk about how to use these techniques to construct privacy-preserving machine learning, crypto-currencies and blockchain. We will focus on efficiency and functionality constraints in practice, and discuss challenges and solutions to efficiently realize these cryptographic protocols.

The course has no specific prerequisites. Basic knowledge of algorithms, data structures and programming is recommended.

Textbook and Resource Materials

No textbook is required for the course. Reading materials will be posted online during the semester

Schedule (tentative)

Date Sections Topic Readings Deadline
1/20 Introduction Introduction and logitics
1/25 Background on Cryptography
1/27 Secure Multiparty Computation and Privacy-Preserving Machine learning Introduction to secure multiparty computation and Oblivious Transfer Wikipedia
2/1 Yao's Garbled circuit
2/3 GMW protocol Youtube tutorial Team Formation
2/8 Malicious security and fairness Cut and choose
2/10 Privacy-preserving machine learning and linear regression SecureML
2/15 ABY3: A Mixed Protocol Framework for Machine Learning
2/17 Helen: Maliciously Secure Coopetitive Learning for Linear Models
2/22 Privacy-preserving logistic regression and neural networks
2/24 Verifiable Computation, Zero Knowledge Proof and Blockchain Introduction to verifiable computation and zero knowledge proof Merkle Hash Tree Proposal due 2/25
3/1 Introduction to blockchain and cryptocurrency Bitcoin
3/3 Pricacy-preserving crypto-currencies
3/8 Customized solutions: RSA accumulators RSA Accumulator
3/10 Customized solutions: Bilinear accumulators Bilinear Accumulator
3/15 Midterm project presentation
3/17 Midterm project presentation
3/22 Generic solutions:SNARK SNARK
3/29 Smart contract
3/31 Privacy-preserving smart contract Hawk
4/5 Security of Bitcoin Cash -- by Yu Shen
  • The Bitcoin Cash Backbone Protocol
  • 4/7 Generic solutions: interactive proofs
    4/19 Final Project Presentations
    4/26 Final report due 5/2


    Reading assignments: 35%. Students will submit reviews for one of the reading materials every week.

    Course project: 65%. Students will form groups and complete research projects related to the topics of the course.

    Assignments and Gradebook:

    Suggested topics for projects:

    Secure Multiparty Computations

    Zero Knowledge Proof


    Ethics & Academic Integrity Statement and Policy

    “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” For additional information, please visit:

    Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning, and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Honor System. Students will be required to state their commitment on examinations, research papers, and other academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the TAMU community from the requirements or the processes of the Honor System.